Thursday, April 26, 2007

micro vacation

tuesdays are my day off. the intention of that was so that i could schedule wedding appointments and get some planning done on that day. well, zak actually ended up with the day off on tuesday as well, so we took a much needed micro-vacation. we didn't go anywhere more than a 10 min drive, but it was a nice getaway.

during the afternoon we went golfing, which we haven't had the chance to do since february with my parents. zak and i really enjoy getting out and doing this, but just never have the time together to do as such. the front nine i did great (for me anyways) and zak and i actually tied. the back nine, zak did amazing and i stunk like death! he pulled away and killed me by about 14 or so strokes. i did hit 100 even... not bad for me, but i was really hoping to golf under 100 that day!

after golfing we headed home and picked up ken and packed up some snacks and drinks and went fishing. now, i'm not really good at FISHING... i get bored unless i'm CATCHING or at least getting lots of hits on my line. so my mission is always to catch the bait fish the boys use to catch the big fish. i caught about a dozen little guys and it started getting dark and i couldn't really see anymore and the boys stopped using my bait as they'd switched to artificial lures. right around sunset is feeding time and there were some big fish moving around... they had me on lookout duty. they never caught anything and we were all hungry, so we packed up the gear and walked to the restaurant next door for some dinner.

after that we came home and watched a few episodes of some of our favorite tv shows and then headed to bed.

it was a great day and a much needed getaway from the stress and excitement of work/wedding planning. i love living here in florida... always something to do when there's nothing to be done and beautiful weather 95% of the time. days off from work can almost always be micro-vacations!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

trivia answer (and my story)

So about 2 years ago zak's mom came to visit and we all decided to go to see the shuttle launch. well, after hours of driving and hanging out at the beach watching storm clouds come and go, the launch was cancelled. so, with the rest of the day to kill and already being about 2+ hours away from home, we decided to just head south and explore the east coast of florida. we ended up going to south beach miami on a whim... we got a hotel (really cheap with zak's hospitality industry association discount) and then decided to go out and enjoy the night on south beach. we finally returned to the hotel late that night and we're all laying in bed... a little intoxicated at that. zak and ken shared a bed and zak's mom and i were in the other like so:

mom/sara zak/ken

so they're all carrying on and i'm trying to sleep and they keep pestering me with "sara are you asleep?" "i think she's asleep" "you asleep yet?"... etc.

i told them to knock it off i was trying to get to sleep, i was tired. they continued. so here it is... the answer to the trivia question...

i reached over the side of the bed, picked up my flip-flop and threw it at zak, nailing him right in the crotch... that part was unintentional, i just wanted to hit him to get him to shut up. it didn't work entirely b/c then he was moaning about how i hit him in the crotch!

that's right. about half of women have thrown their shoes at their significant other. that's the answer to the trivia question.

have you done it?

Thursday, April 19, 2007

a little trivia

what do about half of all women say they've done to their significant other?

i'll tell you that i am guilty... but the answer will follow in another post.

any guesses?

Monday, April 16, 2007

my thoughts and prayers

so today a masacre happened. it grabbed my attention very quickly as a friend (and boyfriend of my sister) attends the school that it happened at. i was quick to worry and make phone calls. after talking to my mom, she said she'd heard from my sister (that was there, but off campus) who had heard from her boyfriend (on campus in the building next to the norris building) and that he was ok, but on lockdown for the time being. i was quickly releived to hear that they were both ok, however i started to feel guilty as i saw the numbers of the dead continue to rise. that could've been my friend or my sister... and those victims were someone's friends/relatives. i guess i just don't understand how one person can hold so much anger and resentment to kill off 20+ people for no apparent reason. i pray for those families and friends of the victims and the students and the staff to cope with this tragedy and know that they are very much thought of. i can only hope that i don't live to see another masacre like this. i remember columbine... i will remember this. may God have mercy on that man's soul and be with those that have lost loved ones. may He help us understand that there must be evil in order for there to be good, but it doesn't make it alright for that man to have done this. may He help us to understand that there was a reason for this... although not apparent now.

That is my prayer and thought for the day. God bless and be safe.