Wednesday, October 11, 2006

love thy neighbor...

ok. growing up in a christian household and community, i was always taught to "love thy neighbor." however, a week ago, my nieghbor pushed me to the limit!
It all started Sunday, Zak(the hubby-to-be) was off and went to the beach to drink and watch football with his buddies and i went to work. Part way through my shift i got a very short voicemail from a very pissed off fiance. it stated that "[his] wallet, keys, and phone were all stolen. F$@#!" we were able to communicate using a friend's phone. and he was able to get the car towed using another friend's AAA membership (thank goodness for friends!). Finally at about 3:30am the car was towed and left in the parking lot across the street from our house (the truck couldn't manage it into our driveway).

The next day came. Zak and i had to car pool and he needed me to run some errands and whatnot while he was working to try to start piecing things back together. i had the evening off from work and decided after all the chaos i was going to go out to the mall and shop among running a couple other errands. as i'm leaving my house the landlord shows up asking for rent checks (which i wasn't expecting!) and to lecture us about the yard (it was a little behind in it's maintenance). while the landlord and i were chatting and we were both heading to our cars, the lady from the business across the street comes out and interrupts us.

lady: "exCUSE me! is this one of your cars?"

me: "yes, that's my fiance's car."
my thought: dumbass, you know it's one of our cars we've lived here for 6 months and you're always out walking that damn dog of yours... and it's not like his car is very common!

lady: "WELL, i don't mind it over the weekends, but during the business week i'd appreciate it if you wouldn't park your cars there!"

me: (continuing to stay as calm as possible) "i'm sorry mame. it's just that zak had his wallet, keys, and phone all stolen yesterday. we had to have the car towed and left here."

lady: "how long is it gonna be there?!"
me: "i'm not sure. maybe a few days?"
lady: "WELL! why didn't someone come tell us! our office is just RIGHT THERE!? it was very inconsiderate of you not to come tell us!"

me: "i'm sorry mame. we didn't think to come and let you know the situation, and i truly apologize"

i left and ran errands.

the next morning zak tried to start his car and it wouldn't. he thinks the alarm system drained the battery. so he pulled my car into the parking lot and parked it sideways across a couple parking spaces so it wouldn't be right in the middle and that he'd be able to jump the car. he was still unsuccessful and had a ride waiting to take him to work. i had to leave about 5-10 minutes after he did so i didn't really think to move my car since i'd be leaving soon. i come out to leave and the lady starts yelling at me AGAIN telling me how inconsiderate it was of me to have my car parked the way it was! i'm sorry, but when people come at me and start verbally assaulting me, i tend to retreat... and i did into my car (i was also running about 5 min late for work too!). she told me i was "running away" as i was getting into the car. hell yeah i was, wouldn't you?

so i get back from work and i decided i'd go and apologize for being "inconsiderate" and for "running away." when i went to talk to her, she told me she didn't appreciate my attitude with her that morning... oh yes, she went there!

MY attitude?! i'm sorry, but she was the one chasing after and yelling at me! TWO DAYS IN A ROW! and for what? a damn car parked in an UNMARKED parking lot that is ALWAYS EMPTY! no, seriously... the only cars that are ever there are hers, the couple of trucks for their company and maybe one or 2 others. after some serious words were said, as i had had enough of playing nice and calm since all she did was attack me. she told me we had until monday to get the car out of the lot or it would be towed! i'm sorry, but nowhere does it say, "private lot" or "parking for the cabinet corner only"... nothing! just a usually empty lot!

not once through the whole ordeal did she ever say "oh my that's awful what happened" or "i'm sorry" or "is there anything i can do?" i just don't understand how someone who runs a business and deals with customers would talk to their NEIGHBOR that way! i guess money talks there and if you're not a customer, forget being treated like a human being!

and the moral of the story is...
have a little compassion for those around you. when something bad happens to someone, say "i'm sorry," maybe even offer to help, even if there's nothing you can do or the person declines, at least that person knows that you were willing to try. i'm a big believer in karma and if you're nasty to others, it will come back to bite you in the ass... so if being nice just for the sake of being nice doesn't work for you, at least remember there's always karma!


Kate Michele said...

You have way more restraint than I, love!!! I would of opened a big ole can of whop ass on her!!!

Hope everything got worked out woth Zak's stuff.....

Sara said...

thanks kate. it took a lot in me to hold back physically. however, i did decide to post negative feedback about them on yahoo yellow pages. if i can find other places to leave reviews i will. i want everyone to know what uncompassionate people work there! so i guess i DID open that can of whoop ass! hehe