Friday, December 08, 2006

2 hour drive for a date

so last night the shuttle was supposed to launch. zak REALLY wanted to go see this b/c he had never seen a night launch before (neither have i) and they are really rare. in fact after this one finally launches they are saying that it may never happen again.

anywho... we left clearwater about 3:15 or so and arrived in titusville (just across the water from cape canaveral... they wouldn't let us any closer without passes of some sort) right about 5:30. the drive wasn't so bad, it was really the sitting around in the dark in the cold waiting to see if they were actually going to launch. i know you northerners are laughing now about my "in the cold" comment, but it was quite chilly with those winds right off the water! anywho... we waited and waited and waited... and about 5 minutes before the schuduled launch i guess they decided to scrub (cancel). so no pictures of the take off, no exciting view, no brightness in the sky... just time to turn around and leave.

traffic was crazy, so we decided to stop at one of the little plazas for a bite to eat and wait for the traffic to subside. we came across a place that was a little bar/bowling alley/little restaurant. it was a cute little place, really nice clean bowling alley i might add! those are often hard to come by. we decided to order some munchies and played a few games of pool. we had a good couple of games and had a lot of fun while listening to some pretty terrible kareoke! it really sounds like nothing, but to me it was a date. something we just don't do much anymore. i really kind of miss those days. don't get me wrong, i love just hanging out as much as he does, but to actually go out together and do something together, it's just rare anymore. and i soaked up every minute of it!

so thank you NASA for scheduling that launch on a day we both had off. despite the fact that we didn't get to see the launch and drove a total of 4 hours, i had a wonderful time!

1 comment:

Kate Michele said...

I'm sooo jelous of your Date!!!