Saturday, January 13, 2007


so today was my day off... how i pulled off gettting a saturday off, i don't know. well, it was supposed to be a lazy day, but i ended up cleaning the living room, doing a load of laundry, doing dishes and even went jogging and lifting! so much for the lazy day!

anywho... my maid of honor, amy, and i decided we were gonna exercise today (we BOTH had the day off... i KNOW... it's crazy that this happened, but anywho...). so we went to the park and went running. now, this is more my area of expertise. i ran cross country and track in high school and was always a bit of an endurance person. amy is not so good with the endurance, but does have strength! we also went to the gym and lifted. i have a feeling i'm going to hate her tomorrow for pushing me so hard at the gym. when i got up from the last machine and we started to walk towards another room, my legs already felt like jello! but hey, i pushed her at the park, so she pushed back at the gym!

well, i hope to finish this day and get some relaxation in... veg out watch some tv or movies, take a nice hot shower (relax those tired muscles). but there is talk about going out dancing tonight and that's hard for me to resist.

moral of the story is... when i say i'm gonna have a lazy day, that's hardly ever the case! i've always gotta do SOMETHING productive! why can't i just be lazy?!


Kate Michele said...

You went dancing with out me!!??

Well Pfftt.... [[flips hair and walks out]]

Sara said...

i know... it's not quite the same without you! it was line dancing though. i remember you didn't do as well with that, but you still always tried at least! anytime you come visit, we'll go out dancing!

Kate Michele said...

Line dancin is so lame....I gotta be able to shake it!!

Anonymous said...

so i always tell myself i'm gonna go to the gy and excercise
never happens.